Thursday, October 28, 2010


I like the tool bucket analagy thanks dad.

Well we droped albert we had an extremely spritual lesson with him about the atonement and jesus christ. He just needs some of his own time i guess. we were really hoping he wouldnt go for the drop but we kind of let him decide. i wont lie i got a little choked up just because all of the change ive seen him make and now i guess im a little scared that he will just fall away completely but i will continue to pray but we did what we could its up to him and god.

wow i thisnk im getting a litle tired of end of the world disscusions man i just dont want to hear it anymore. it seems like everybody in california talks about it.

well im glad to hear that cati hasnt given up on me.

so the last two days we have been helping a member in our ward with some good old ditch digging, bush pulling, and land changing it was so wonderful i had alot of fun. just last sunday i all of the sudden just felt like north hollywood ward is home ive really grown to love the people alot and there is just alot of families that seem like part of my family it just alot of fun.

Ive started walking every morning with one of the elders who lives with us.its been fun we walked like 3 miles this morning.

man i miss you guys and love to hear from you and i appreciate your prayers they help alot.

oh I got a haloween package today and received a happy dose of candy thanks a bunch.

love your son
Elder Burbidge

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