Wednesday, December 29, 2010


well flip its i miss you guys. it was fun to talk to you and get to see you. so just recently ive takin up tennis we have a member in our ward who is a pro and he is showing us how to play and some techniques and stuff. and its a two birds with one stone ituation because it just so happens that he is a less active member so he is come to church more and we are becoming pro tennis players. pretty dang exciting. well we went on our usual door knocking rampage yesterday and we were in a more gheto part of town and pretty much no one spoke english so i worked on my portugese/spanish it was horrible bu i thinik some people gothe idea. so im still working on the book of mormon im in alma chapter 27 this is probably my favorite part of alma its so cool to see these people that ammon and alma amulek are teaching and they accept the gospel but the cool part is that they make a firm resolve to live the gosepel. Im finding that as a missionanary how important it is to teach the gospel but even more that its important to continuew to learn and study. i fifnd so many times when something i read applies directly to the situation of a person we are teaching that day its cool and fun.

Wow mom R.S. counselor pretty legit. you will be great who is the R.S. pres? Im glad you said I will. like dad says the lord qualifies those he calls. it will be cool. well we are just getting ready for the new year and making goals and stuff. for new years day morning we are going over to a members house who promissed to make us waffles so im pretty excited. well not to much else to report. thanks for putting the money on my card i will send you my camera card in just a bit.

as far as the old gang the only peple i stay in steady contact with is eric jamie ayris and im writing carrisa lamb from utah and thats pretty much it.

love and miss ya
Elder Burbidge

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