Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Wednesday Aug 25

(I had just sent pictures to Jess of our Mt. St. Helens climb)

wow i cant even beleive how jealous i am of this wish i was there every day. that looks like so much fun and it looks like you had a pretty good group too. oh it looks so beautiful up there in the promise land. i think im just getting tired of our area and its city-ness
however last night we went on splits with some ward members and we went to the far reaches of our area to track this one guy down and we have some pretty un-city-ness parts of our area to its pretty cool so im hoping to go trackting out there and see the wilderness well almost.

so just recently we have started the new training for missionaries and we have like 3 extra hours of train ing a week its pretty cool and i very greatful for the training because i feel like i could use it. well september 5th we have a baptism coming up its pretty exciting ecspecialy because she is so excited its awesome.

the heat is hot lately its been in the 115's its been pretty crazy but our apt has aircondishoning so that is cool in every sense of the word. so why is ducati not in any of thes mt st helens pictures dont tell me you forgot the team mascot oh dear things have deteriated back at home that much with out me eh. tell the dearest dog i said hi and that i miss her much. one of the families we teach just got a yellow lab puppy and it looks almost just like cati except she has a black nose but its gives me great joy every time we go over there and the little thing is so happy to see me.

our mission president just gave us a chalenge to read the book of mormon again but this time marking evry reference to the savior, his words, his attributes, and any doctrines and princibles in the bom. its a challenge out of the preach my godpel manuel on pg 114 i think but it is really intense so far. but its alot of fun and it will be cool to have when im done.

so we have been playing sports lately well trying to and i just5 really suck at the normal required american sports except for when we play phrisbee or vollyball the rest is just a crap match but its fun.

oh and i tried to get on my bank account and the passwords or somthing is wrong i dont knwo what happened but i cant long on to check the funds. another thing we should talk about is the funds being depleted a little bit. its been a struggle the last couple transfers. to only use the mission provided money because last transfer my companion spent all his money on cds and poptarts so we had to live off my money for the tarnsfer that acctually has happend every transfer with this guy but he is going home soon so its almost over also im the only one who buys cleaning supplies and stuff so i have been using my own money to try and make a livible space for four elders this isnt gonna work anymore so im gonna have to just get what i can for myself and let them fend for them selves like the ten virgins right. but just so you dont think im spending all my money on suviners and stuff im trying to figure this whole thig out so bear with me. well ive got to get out of here i love you guys and miss you tons

Elder burbidge.

P.S. tell the ward i said hi and i love them and am greatful for them and that someday i will write a letter to them.

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