Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I kinda had to crack up when you said that dad was staying at church and you went to ward conference. i think its awesome that you are in the stake relief society. it will be fun. but that must not be very fun with dad in portland for 3 days but good thing cati is there to love you. how is that dog is she started to get depressed tell her im still thinking about her. I cant lie im pretty tired of the north hollywood area this transfer im pretty sure im gettin transfered which is in like a week well its on the 24 so im hopin for a new adventure. this mourning we went hiking and we went to the top of this mountain and then we stunted down this little bike trail and got it all on video so i will be sending a camera card home pretty soon.
so who were you talking about getting her call here?

well in February ill be stepping up to my year mark pretty crazy. i think after these transfers here in north hollywood all of my transfers hereafter will be relatively short just because i was here so long. but it will all be an adventure. well Im pretty excited this last week we got 3 new investigators. its been awesome we have been blest here lately and we love every second of it we are also setting a baptismal date with a kid who is dieing to be baptised so its pretty cool i think he will be baptized after this transfer so i might not be here but it will be cool nonetheless.

but i really have to go time is almost up but i love you and im thinking of you while you are all alone at home. sometimes i wish i could be all alone. haha but i will talke to you next week love you son.

Elder jesse Wayne burbidge.

On Wed, Jan 12, 2011 at 10:58 AM, Burbidge family wrote:

Hi Jess,
I'm at work so must make this quick. They've been tearing up the walls and junk next door and it's so loud and annoying!! I've got to take some Excedrin!!! I've been soooo sick since last Monday in Utah.
Daddy is in Portland for the next 3 days and the weather has been cold and wet here -it snowed all night last night, then switched to rain and it's a slushy mess!
We saw True Grit in the theatre w/ Tone & Jen. It was good but not as, I liked the girl in the new movie but Rooster never called her "little sister"
Did I tell you I'm in the Stake R.S. now? Last Sunday was my first Ward Conf. I felt a bit out of place ~ the wierdest thing was Sunday morning getting ready to go off to G.H. Ward and dad, home, going to church by himself!!!!! After 18 yrs of him going to Ward Conf. we've switched!!!!
We got home from Ut last Saturday and then we went to a play in Oly w/ the Jackson family. The Wizard of Oz!!! It was so fun. And it was SO nice of them to include us. The house seems extra empty since we've been back. Cati's there to keep us company though.
Interesting I just saw an article about the Sisters attire being changed a bit. They interviewed a girl who just got her call to the San Fernando, CA spanish speaking mission. Cool hey?
Life is great, we're happy and healthy here and living & loving the Gospel!!!
Interesting story emerges from Alma 2-4
Alma just get's made the leader and a guy (Amlici) steps forward wanting to be King. Some of the people are tricked into following him because of his wisdom (worldly) and his cunning ways. -makes you wonder if someone could trick you into following them cause they're good looking and smart??????- They end up fighting it out but are beaten by the Nephites. They were able to beat them because Alma was inspired to have them do some specific things: Prepare to meet them, Arm themselves, Assigned leaders to instruct them, Sent spies to find out what was going on (here's where they found out the Lamanites had joined w/ the Alicites) Mighty Prayer. And Alma says to God "allow me to live so I can be an instrument in your hands to save this people" It says the Lamanites and Amlicites were as numerous as the sands of the sea, but the Nephites (in the strength of the Lord) beat them and watched them take off running!!!!
I LOVE the Book of Mormon. I love the stories that I can take lessons from and use in my life. The story continues and tells of how the Amlicites marked themselves!! They wanted to show everyone that they've turned against God so they marked their own selves!!! Strange, but makes you wonder, do we ever mark ourselves????
Alma3:19 .......every man that is cursed bring upon himself his own condemnation.
What a great leader Alma became, what a great missionary, a shakey start, a fantastic finish.
I love you son,
tons & tons
Love Eternally,

1 comment:

  1. My name is Elder Wood. I was in Jesses District in the MTC in Brazil. Can you do me a favor and tell him I love him and that I am extremely proud of him! Thanks you.

    Stetson Wood
