Monday, April 11, 2011


hey MA and PA

well life is good i think im gonna buy a new bike. i have been barrowing another elders bike and well you know how that goes. its never fun to barrow. but we have some exciting news. we set a baptismal date with one of our investigators. it was awesome because he was at what seemed like an eternal investigator state so the story goes like this kind of a wierd one.

so Elder Kunz and i were teaching our investigator Herald Azuma and we have been teaching him a ton so we roll in a couple of weeks ago and teach about baptisim and really focus on him. he gives us the "we love you guys, in my own time ill be baptized" response so we are just like dang cause we went in there all bold like. So what happend this week herald calls us up and says hey ive been praying and really feel like its the right thing to do to be baptized. we are like What it was awesome. herald is suffering from brain cancer. they have operated twice but the cancer continues to grow so he is on radiation of some kind but he moves forward with unshaken faith its way cool. his family might take a little while. his wife is of muslim influece and moves alot slower toward the gospel but she will come around after herald.

well i just cheked the account and there the money was thank you for helping me out with the taxes.

i miss home alot i wish i could go hiking with you guys. we do sweet hikes accasionally so i get my fix here and now again. but it just dosent compare to the good northwest.

we need to see if we can make a trail from the begining of the robbins property and just up the border of it to the logging roads. we got to figure something out.

well i got a letter from corynn finaly and she is so excited to go to las vegas it will be fun for her.

I miss you guys and love you

Love Elder burbidge.

On Sun, Apr 10, 2011 at 7:57 PM, Burbidge family wrote:

Hey Jess,

It's sunday evening and we had church today w/ Robb as Bishop for the first time. He did great. We are excited and know he will do well. Did you hear that his councelors are Bro. Zeller & Bro. Beus?

How was Sunday for you?

Dad and I found Chad's missionary journal out in the storeroom and have been reading it. He names allot of cities in CA and it sounds like he had some good experiences. It's cool that both your Grampa's served in that great state!!

We've REALLY enjoyed the pictures you sent. Thank you, thank YOU!!
Did you ever get the money??
What did you decide about a bike?

We just got done skyping Sis. They are all well. We are heading out there May 2. Hopefully they're won't be any tornados. (it is tornado season)

I finally got to go to dad's Sunday School class. He's amazing! I just loved listening to him and watch how well he does teaching and helping people understand the gospel.

Yesterday we went to Dayton's soccer game. He's keeper for JV. He did well. They played against Olympia, a 4 A school.

I think I finally don't have to be working full time now. We have a new girl and she'll be great. Her name is Terry. Last Friday was a killer court day though, we had 27 pages of people!!!

It's crazy how fast time is going isn't it.

We took our second big hike yesterday. Turning right at the top of the hill instead of left. We explored a couple of roads that led to nowhere, but it was fun and felt good to hit the trail. Cati sure enjoyed it and was bounding, leaping and frolicking all over the place. The sad news is someone bought the property (all ten acres) that has the trail to the logging roads on it. We're pretty bummed cause he's gonna put up a gate and keep all us "riders" out. We'll have to work out a deal w/ someone!!!

I hope you have a great day and that you feel our love and prayers. We are so grateful you have this opportunity and that you're working hard!

I love you tons and tons
Love Eternally,

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